Wellness Wednesday: Imbolc (February 2nd)
Spring is here! we've survived another winter! the days are already getting longer, and my soul celebrates!
i'm learning as much as i can about the old celtic ways, and on friday i'll tune in for an imbolc ceremony by telephone as part of my earth rhythms class.
i'm loving all the connections i'm finding - the Church was very good at adopting sacred days and places and giving them a christian spin. imbolc - the feast of brigid - became candlemas - the purification of the virgin mary. but i love the oldest reasons to celebrate - the ewes are getting ready for lambing: 'im-bolc' means 'in the belly' and the fact the spring flowers - like snowdrops and daffodils - are heralding the new season!!
whose spirits cannot be lifted at the sight of these gorgeous flowers?
i'm so blessed to live in the beautiful, english countryside, and i get out in the sunshine every day if i can. it's still pretty cold, but the sun has real warmth in it. no wonder my soul and body respond to all this new life! no wonder i feel really well - deep in my belly!!