Wellness Wednesday: Bat medicine
this morning i listened to susan gregg's power animal meditation as part of the earth rhythms online class i'm taking this year - and all i can say is WOW!
i was able to instantly relax into it and my imagination took flight... at first, i experienced the sense i was upside down in the dark - 'oh, i'm in a chrysalis,' i confidently said to myself. 'i must be turning into a moth or butterfly...'
then i had the strongest sense i was flying - in the dark - and i could 'see' clearly - 'maybe i'm an owl,' i said... then i heard a high shrill sound, but it wasn't an owl screech...
i ended the meditation still not sure who i was, so i took my jamie sams' medicine cards and book from the shelf... i let the book fall open, and surprise, surprise, it was BAT calling to me!
bat medicine symbolizes death and rebirth and initiation and discovering how to navigate the fearful, disorienting dark times...
since my stroke last may, i have had to relearn the basics of speech, walking and my right arm is still paralyzed - talk about disorienting! all the things we take for granted - like washing and dressing - are major tasks for me...
but i AM relearning, and although day-to-day progress feels pitifully slow, what i have accomplished in 8 months is awesome!!
my physio is doing wonders with my body - as the aches i woke up with testify after her mega-session yesterday - but it's experiences like this morning's power animal meditation that just confirm why i HAD to take this class. clearly, i'm on the most amazing spiritual journey of my life...
again, all i can say is WOW!!
Aloha Claire,
I remember our meeting and how wonderful that was..
You are an groovy person Claire.
It's amazing how wonderful your life is turning out. You teach me while you are learning, inspire me on my down days, turn me onto new things and experiences with the links on your blog and your posts..
I'm glad to call you my friend. :)
Peace, Kai xxooxx
What an amazing experience! Thank you for sharing. Your way of dealing with life experiences is very inspirational. Big hugs, Z.
Wow...amazing about the Bat symbols and rebirth. Very happy you have been able to relearn so much. Here is wishing you continued healing for your arm.
Much love
Hi Claire, Love the way you are connecting with the energy of animals...very powerful..
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