... is personal, and the beads are a device for building meaningful ritual into our lives...
deborah included this quote from
a string and a prayer along with my custom-made
story beads. i knew as soon as i saw
carla's writing beads, i needed to get a set...
and the universe knew i needed them pronto - they arrived on friday, a matter of days after deb posted them halfway around the world!! they arrived in time for the 1st of september, the first month of autumn...
if you can see in the photo, the beads are divided into seasons (lilac for spring, blue for summer, red for autumn, brown for winter, and a pearl for the 13th lunar month). each bead is separated with a spacer - too remind me to breathe...
in between each set of three is a charm - a
celtic heart to remind me
love is the most important thing; a
spiral to remind me that love is
infinite; a
goddess charm to focus my mind on all the
body work and healing i need to do; an
owl to remind me of
owl medicine - change, death, grieving, wisdom and seeing into the dark places of my soul...; a
bear to remind me of
bear medicine - to be still, to go into my cave and rest and be ready for the spring...
on one end are seven green beads to remind me to take one day at a time, and healing hand charms to embrace the oak leaf of strength and the desire to create - an important part of my healing process...
on the other end is a charm that deb didn't know why it wanted to be included, it just did... i think she is the roman goddess
maia after which the month of may is named. she is the spring goddess bringing
new life and renewal - and
of course she wanted to be placed at the end where the lilac beads of spring begin...
WOW!!! i think you can see why i needed to get them!!!
these beautiful beads will now be with me every day, and every day of my sacred life, i will pray...
and bless you, dear deborah, for imbuing these beauitful beads with so much of your own soul...