What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? i don't think i've ever had a 'weapon' - i'm a peace-loving soul...
Middle name? elizabeth
Name three thoughts at this exact moment:
i'm getting hungry
i really must wrap more pressies today
finally the light is growing outside
What time did you wake up today? 6.15 a.m.
Current hate? War, the long dark nights
Name three drinks you regularly drink:
filtered water
herb tea
my one daily cup of fresh-brewed coffee
Do you own slippers? Yes, I'm wearing them right now - pink ballerina style :o)
What shirt are you wearing? pyjama top :)
Do you burn or tan? Burn - i tend to keep out of the sun
Favourite colour(s)? it totally depends on my mood - but i don't like wearing black - i own one obligatory l.b.d. and one pair of faded 'black' cords
Would you be a pirate? no - it involves my least-favourite things - riding on water and violence
What is your favourite holiday? definitely Thanksgiving - the food, the family togetherness, the lack of expectations - i really miss it now we're not in the states
What songs do you sing in the shower? i've never sung in the shower - it's a more quiet, contemplative experience for me
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? whatever monsters were on doctor who that week
What’s in your pockets right now? I don't carry things in my pockets - that's what handbags are for :o)
Last thing that made you laugh? something my almost -10-year-old daughter said :o)
Best bed sheets as a child? fresh clean cotton - then as now!!
Worst injury you’ve ever had? where do i start!! my poor little body has never been robust
Are your parents still together? my mum died in 1999 aged 55. she and dad had been together since she was 14....
Do you wish on shooting stars? the one time i've seen them!
What is your favourite book(s)? i could devote a whole blog to this!! but these books are deeply embedded in my soul:
What is your favourite candy? dark organic chocolate from
Montezuma's - a small UK business
How is the weather outside right now? Cold and grey *sigh*
What was your first thought this morning when you woke up? when will the sun come up?