Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sacred Life Sunday: Building walls??

i can't believe it's been so long since i posted, but then i feel i've been away such a long time on an inner journey...
it's been a tough few weeks and i'm afraid i didn't feel able to talk about it while i was in it...
this quote by may sarton, which i found on misty's blog, sums up my feelings

I am here alone for the first time in weeks, to take up my "real" life again at last. That is what is strange - that friends, even passionate love, are not my real life unless there is time alone in which to explore and to discover what is happening or has happened...

i have felt the need to protect myself, to build walls to hide behind, to get acquainted with this awesome inner landscape... it's taken all my energy to interact with my family on a day-to-day basis, so there was nothing left for blogland. hopefully now i'm feeling ready to peer over the wall...

tomorrow is my 44th birthday (what a year, huh??), so we're having sunday lunch today with my dad and brother at the kids' favourite restaurant, and on tuesday i'm beginning three weeks of intensive physiotherapy - 1.5 hours a day, five days a week - it will be painful and exhausting, but we're all hopeful we'll see amazing results! i will try and post once a week, but you'll know why if i don't manage it...


At 2:00 pm , Blogger Zorana said...

I was wondering why did you disappear... afraid to email and ask. You are on an intensive path... both mentally and physically. I know you can do magic, so I'll be thinking about you a lot and waiting for your updates. Have a beautiful, happy birthday! zo

At 6:18 pm , Blogger KaiBlue said...

Happy Birthday sweet Claire. I've been thinking about you a lot and I hope your days improve and your updates are all good ones..
You are loved!!

PEace Kai xx

At 11:35 pm , Blogger Olivia said...

Happy Birthday, Claire! It's so good to hear from you. I am introverted and understand the need to process life and feelings. Totally. I hope you have a great day tomorrow. Love, O

At 7:37 pm , Blogger artbrat said...

Happy Birthday! I wish you lots of luck and strength for your upcoming therapy.

At 7:40 am , Blogger fiona said...

Happy Birthday!!!

its so good to have you back.. i've missed you

but these times away are necessary, its so important to go inside sometimes and give yourself the space you need because healing takes place on emotional and spiritual levels alongside physical, and this is how it happens

i wish you luck and courage for your physio treatment and hope it brings you improvement

come and say hi, if and when you're up to it

sending lots of love :-)

At 12:11 pm , Blogger JoyceAnn said...

Happy Belated Birthday to my Best Hippie Swap Friend. I was thinking about you last week , put the pin you made on my denim hobo bag , it looks great.
Sending You Healing Vibes and praying for you.

~ Love & Hugs ~ JoyceAnn

At 5:27 pm , Blogger Beverly Keaton Smith said...

Happy Belated Birthday Claire..Always good to hear your updates...holding you in the highest light...Bev

At 9:55 pm , Blogger Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I wanted to wish you a most Happy Birthday! You were thought of lovingly while we gathered in Sedona.
I truly hope this next part of your journey is filled with all things positive and the taking down of the bricks.
Love and hugs,


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